**You can nest these types of boxes in a Toggle List or in a Subpage so that this space doesn't become too cluttered. I tend to like to keep my working board on this landing page so it is always visible.

Connected Idea: Try to position your boxes in a way that flows well for your topic. This is essentially my way of mind mapping without having a fixed image of a map created in a different app.

Connected Idea: Taking up space! Boxes can be any length! Don't forget to add space between boxes where you need it.

Connected Idea: Ultimately I do this when I need to write things out in a space that I can treat like a scratch pad. I like being able to have a visual representation that keeps those notes separate, and it helps me to organize my thoughts.

Central Idea: This is your primary idea, the core of what you are trying to map. I recommend choosing something small—maybe a character or a scene—and work exclusively surrounding that to keep your ideas from getting cluttered.

Connected Idea: Fill in this space with specific ideas that relate to the central idea. The goal is to create boxes that can be moved around these columns.

Connected Idea: I keep the central idea at the top center to begin, but then, as I move things around, I allow it to migrate where it needs to be within the structure.

Connected Idea: You get the idea! Continue adding things to do a mind dump, and then drag and drop your boxes until things fit together the way you want them to!

Connected Idea: You can color code your boxes so that all similar ideas are connected by color, but you can organize them spatially in a way that makes the most sense to your story structure.